姓 名: | 王华华 | ||
职 称: | 教授(博导) | ||
办公电话: | |||
电子邮箱: | hhwang04@163.com | ||
个人简介: |
博士,教授,博士生导师,河南省高校科技创新人才,tyc1286太阳成集团优秀青年科研创新人才。2009年获兰州大学植物学专业博士学位,2009-2011年在兰州大学从事植物极端环境适应性方向博士后研究工作。承担本科生《细胞生物学》、《分子生物学》和研究生《植物逆境生物学》等课程,作为副主编完成河南省规划教材《细胞生物学》1部。现主要从事植物逆境生理与分子生物学方向研究工作,主持国家自然科学基金项目(4项)、河南省高校科技创新人才项目、河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目、中国博士后科学基金等科研项目。以第一作者或通讯作者在Journalof Hazardous Materials、Plant Cell and Environment、Plant and Cell Physiology、Plant Science、Plant and Soil、Planta等国际主流SCI期刊发表论文20余篇。 |
研究领域: |
植物逆境适应性,主要包括: [1]NO等信号分子在植物抗逆(铝毒、干旱、重金属等)中的调控机制以及抗逆基因的挖掘等。 [2]活性氧(ROS)信号在植物响应逆境胁迫(铝毒、干旱、重金属等)中的作用及其调控机制。 |
主要学术及社会兼职: |
Advances in Crop Science and Technology期刊编委。 |
主持或参加科研项目情况: |
[1]国家自然科学基金,H2S和NO信号互作调控大豆耐铝性的作用机制,2021.1-2024.12,主持。 [2]国家自然科学基金,铝胁迫下NO和H2O2互作调控根系柠檬酸分泌的作用机制,2018.1-2020.12,主持。 [3]国家自然科学基金,铝胁迫下NO信号途径对红芸豆柠檬酸分泌的调控机制,2014.1-2016.12,主持。 [4]国家自然科学基金,呼吸代谢多样性在植物干旱适应性中的作用机制研究,2013.1-2015.12,主持。 [5]河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划项目(2019年),植物/作物抗逆分子机制,2020.1-2021.12,主持。 [6]河南省高校科技创新团队,植物发育分子细胞生物学,2015.1-2017.12,参与(第二)。 [7]河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目,交替氧化酶在小麦抗旱中的调节作用及机制研究,2013.1-2015.12,主持。 [8]中国博士后科学基金,乙烯与呼吸途径的运行在植物低温适应性及信号转导中调节作用的机理研究,2010.9-2011.6,主持。 |
学术成果: |
(一)代表性论文(*表示通讯作者): [1]Huang Junjun, Han Rongzhi, Ji Fang, Yu Yuanyuan, Ruoyi Wang, Hai Zhaoxin, Liang Weihong, Wang Huahua*.Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and abscisic acid mediate programmed cell death induced by aluminum toxicity in soybean root tips. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 425:127964.(SCI一区, Top) [2]Huang Junjun, Hai Zhaoxin, Wang Ruoyi, Yu Yuanyuan,Chen Xin, Liang Weihong, Wang Huahua*.Genome-wide analysis of HSP20 gene family and expression patterns under heatstress in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Frontiers in Plant Science,2022, 13:968418.(SCI二区) [3]Huang Junjun, Wang Ying, Liu Wenwen, Li Xiaoyu, Han Rongzhi, Liang Weihong, Wang Huahua*. Nitricoxide-mediated alternative pathway alleviates aluminum-induced programmed celldeath in soybean root tips. Plant Science,2021, 310:110988.(SCI二区) [4]Huang Junjun, Li Xiaoyu, Chen Xin, Guo Yaru, Liang Weihong, Wang Huahua*. Genome-wide identification of soybean ABC transporters relate toaluminum toxicity. International Journalof Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22:6556. (SCI二区,Top) [5]Wang Huahua*, Ji Fang, Zhang Yangyang, Hou Junjie, Liu Wenwen, Huang Junjun,Liang Weihong*. Interactions between hydrogen sulphide and nitric oxide regulate two soybean citrate transporters duringthe alleviation of aluminium toxicity. Plant Cell & Environment, 2019, 42:2340-2356.(SCI二区,Top) [6]Wang Huahua*, Zhang Yangyang, Hou Junjie, Liu Wenwen, Huang Junjun,Liang Weihong*. Nitric oxide mediates aluminum-induced citrate secretion through regulating the metabolism and transport of citrate in soybean roots. Plant and Soil, 2019, 435:127-142.(SCI一区,Top) [7]Wang Huahua*, Li Yan, Hou Junjie, Huang Junjun, Liang Weihong.Nitrate reductase-mediated nitric oxide production alleviates Al-induced inhibition of root elongation by regulating the ascorbate-glutathione cycle insoybean roots. Plant and Soil, 2017,410:453-465.(SCI一区,Top) [8]Wang Huahua*, Hou Junjie, LiYan, Zhang Yangyang, Huang Junjun, Liang Weihong. Nitric oxide-mediated cytosolic glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase is involved in aluminum toxicity of soybean under high aluminum concentration. Plantand Soil, 2017, 416:39-52.(SCI一区,Top) [9]Wang Huahua*, Huang Junjun, Li Yan, Li Changan, Hou Junjie, Liang Weihong. Involvement of nitric oxide-mediated alternative pathwayin tolerance of wheat to drought stress by optimizingphotosynthesis. Plant Cell Reports, 2016, 35:2033-2044. (SCI三区) [10]Wang Huahua*, Yang Lidan, Li Yan, Hou Junjie, Huang Junjun, Liang Weihong. Involvement of ABA- and H2O2-dependent cytosolic glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in maintaining redox homeostasis in soybean roots under drought stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2016, 107:126-136. (SCI三区) [11]Huang Junjun, An Wenjing, Wang Kaijie, Jiang Tianhui, Ren Qing,Liang Weihong, Wang Huahua*. Expression profile analysis of MATE gene family in rice. Biologia Plantarum, 2019, 63:556-564.(SCI四区) [12]Liang Xiaolei#, Wang Huahua#,Hu Yanfeng, Mao Lina, Sun Lili, Dong Tian, Nan Wenbin, Yurong Bi. Silicon doesnot mitigate cell death in cultured tobacco BY-2 cells subjected to salinity without ethylene emission. Plant Cell Reports,2015, 34:331-343. (# co-first author, SCI三区) [13]Wang Huahua*, Huang Junjun, Liang Weihong,Liang Xiaolei, Bi Yurong. Involvement of putrescine and nitric oxide inaluminum tolerance by modulating citrate secretion from roots of red kidney bean. Plant and Soil, 2013,366:479-490. (SCI一区, Top) [14]Wang Huahua*, Liang Weihong, Huang Junjun.Putrescine mediates aluminum tolerance in red kidney bean by modulating aluminum-induced oxidative stress. Crop Science, 2013, 53:2120-2128. (SCI二区) [15]Wang Huahua, Huang Junjun, Liang Xiaolei, Bi Yurong. Involvement of hydrogen peroxide, calcium and ethylene in the induction of alternative respiratory pathway inchilling-stressed Arabidopsis callus. Planta, 2012, 235:53-67. (SCI三区) [16]Wang Huahua, Liang Xiaolei, Huang Junjun,Zhang Dongkai, Lu Hongxia, Liu Zhongjuan, Bi Yurong. Involvement of ethyleneand hydrogen peroxide in induction of alternative respiratory pathway insalt-treated Arabidopsis calluses. Plant and Cell Physiology, 2010, 51:1754-1765. (SCI三区) [17]Wang Huahua, Huang Junjun, Bi Yurong.Nitrate reductase-dependent nitric oxide production is involved in aluminum tolerance in red kidney bean roots. Plant Science, 2010, 179:281-288. (SCI三区) [18]Wang Huahua, Huang Junjun, Bi Yurong.Induction of alternative respiratory pathway involves nitric oxide, hydrogen peroxide and ethylene under salt stress. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 2010, 5:1636-1637. [19]Wang Huahua, Liang Xiaolei, Wan Qi, Wang Xiaomin, Bi Yurong. Ethylene and nitric oxide are involved in maintaining ion homeostasis in Arabidopsis callus under salt stress. Planta, 2009, 230:293-307. (SCI三区) (二)获奖成果: [1]王华华,黄俊骏,梁卫红,梁晓磊,毕玉蓉. Involvementof putrescine and nitric oxide in aluminum tolerance by modulating citratesecretion from roots of red kidney bean,河南省自然科学优秀学术论文奖,一等奖,2015.12 [2]王华华,黄俊骏,梁晓磊,毕玉蓉. Involvement of hydrogen peroxide, calcium,and ethylene in the induction of the alternative pathway in chilling-stressedArabidopsis callus,河南省自然科学优秀学术论文奖,一等奖,2013.12 |